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1981 Census Geography Files

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census geography diagram


Paper or scanned reference maps may also be available when GIS files are not.

Census Tract (CT)

Small geographic units representing urban or rural neighbourhood-like communities created in census metropolitan areas and census agglomerations (with an urban core population of 50,000 or more at the previous census). There were 3,302 CTs in 1981.

Statistics Canada did not disseminate spatial data at the CT level for 1981

Census Subdivision (CSD)

General term applying to municipalities (as determined by provincial legislation) or their equivalent (for example, Indian reserves, Indian settlements and unorganized territories). There were 5,710 CSDs in 1981.

Census Metropolitan Area (CMA) / Census Agglomerations (CA)

A census metropolitan area (CMA) or a census agglomeration (CA) is formed by one or more adjacent municipalities centred on a large urban area (known as the urban core). The census population count of the urban core is at least 10,000 to form a census agglomeration and at least 100,000 to form a census metropolitan area. To be included in census metropolitan areas and census agglomerations, other adjacent municipalities must have a high degree of integration with the central urban area, as measured by commuting flows derived from census place of work data. There were 24 CMAs and 88 CAs in 1981.

Census Division (CD)

General term applied to areas established by provincial law which are intermediate geographic areas between the municipality (census subdivision) and the province level. Census divisions represent counties, regional districts, regional municipalities and other types of provincially legislated areas. There were 266 CDs in 1981.

Province and Territory

Boundaries of the 10 provinces and 2 territories.

Last Updated: 21 November 2014

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Kingston, Ontario, Canada.