Music Library : Multimedia Materials

[* Copy Holdings Information|* Processing|* Multimedia Materials--Print and Software|* Table of Contents (Location-specific Guidelines)|* Table of Contents (Top)]

Audio cassette tapes and audio CD's published with some issues of serials are housed in the Music Library. These items are housed separately from the journal issue. Therefore, the following steps should be taken, in addition to those described in the section on Multimedia Materials.

[Top|Table of Contents (Location-specific Guidelines)]

Copy Holdings Information

  1. On the copy holdings screen, at the NOTES: label of the CCN for the journal, add a universal message. If the journal is housed in the Music Library, add the following note: "[Tapes] housed separately. Ask at desk." If the journal is not housed in the Music Library, add this note: "[Tapes] housed in the Music Library."

  2. Create a new CCNfor the accompanying sound recording, with the basic call number, followed by the specific format, e.g.:

              10 |a mu,av/1 |b [call number of the journal];audio;visual
  3. In the notes field of the CCN for the sound recording, add a universal message. If the journal is housed in the Music Library, add: "Journal shelved at [call number]." If the journal is not housed in the Music Library, add this note: "Journal housed in [Name of Library]."

  4. Send the sound recording to the Music Library for complete processing as described below.

  5. All subsequent sound recordings accompanying this title will be received in Serials and sent directly to the Music Library for processing and indexing. (Serials should have a note to this effect on the holdings record or OPR statement.

[Top|Table of Contents (Location-specific Guidelines)]


  1. An item record is created for the sound recording, making sure it is attached to the correct CCN. The barcode is attached to the outside of the case.
  2. At ENUM/CHRON the shelf number assigned by the Music Library staff is indicated, e.g. "TAPE;0456" or "CD91-123".
  3. A MARC holdings record is created/updated for the sound recording, indicating the issue of the journal that each accompanies, e.g.
  4. The item is labelled and indexed.

[Top|Table of Contents (Location-specific Guidelines)]

Section 10, Subsection MU, Part M5
Created April 8, 1996 by E. Read

Page maintained by Elizabeth A. Read, Created: 08/04/96 Updated: 03/05/1999 at 3:39:47 PM