Off-Campus Link Creator

Enter a permanent URL for a Queen's-only article/library resource:

This link is accessible to off-campus computers/users via Queen's NetID

Create Permanent Links to Online Articles

To save links to articles, use the publisher provided permanent link or DOI. Links from the browser's address bar are unreliable and often expire. 

Locate Permanent Link or DOI in an Article

Look for words such as persistent URL, stable URL, infomark, permalink, document URL, durable link, or DOI. 

Teaching & Learning Support

We invite you to meet your Subject Librarian and discuss how the library can support your teaching, learning and research needs. Liaison Librarians can work with you to identify, purchase and collate resources and to provide support for the development of students’ research skills. Examples of this support are outlined here.

Teaching Support

We support development of research skills in undergraduate, graduate, and professional courses by:

The Queen's Fair Dealing Requirements

Copying and communicating works pursuant to the Fair Dealing Requirements fall within the fair dealing exception in the Copyright Act and therefore do not infringe copyright. There is no need to obtain the consent of the holder of copyright for those acts. The Fair Dealing Requirements permit copying and communicating short excerpts of copyright-protected works subject to certain safeguards that protect the interests of copyright owners..

Study Rooms

When its time to study or collaborate as a group we have the space you need. Queen’s students, staff and faculty can reserve group study rooms. 

Copyright & Author's Rights

Intellectual property is any form of knowledge or expression created with one’s intellect.

Copyright protects original artistic, literary, musical, or dramatic works, written materials and software, by preventing anyone from copying, publishing or broadcasting a work without the copyright owner’s permission.

Copyright exists as soon as the work is created and is often signaled by marking the work © (author’s name, year). Note: copyright does not protect ideas, but rather the expression of ideas.