Archives (AtoM)

The Queen’s University Archives database contains descriptions for most of our holdings, which include records of the University, local businesses and individuals, authors, artists, politicians and many more. Please use the Advanced Search feature to help narrow your search. For more information, please also visit our About page.

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To explore our rich history, please see our Virtual Exhibit, 175 years of Queen’s University Library. This timeline exhibit outlines a history of the library, and is filled with stories exemplifying the strengths the present day library is still known for: strong research collections, dedicated staff, and superb facilities.

Primary Sources

Primary sources are first-hand accounts, original manuscripts, or documents produced at the time of the event. Examples include letters, diaries, newspaper articles, photographs, speeches, interviews, government documents, historical records, and personal papers. We have rich collections of primary source materials in print, microform and electronic formats.

Dictionaries & Encyclopedias

Dictionaries and encyclopedias are a great place to begin your research. They can help you define terminology and find background information on a topic, and often include a bibliography of additional sources. Dictionaries and encyclopedias can be general or specialized.

We have dictionaries for the English language and many foreign languages, as well as dictionaries covering specialized terms across disciplines. To find discipline-specific dictionaries, consult the subject page for your discipline.

Stauffer Library Seminar Room

The Ground Floor Seminar room (Room 121) is located on the main floor of the library opposite the Information Services desk. It is equipped with an instructor’s station/podium with projector, screen, sound capability, web access, and VCR/DVD player. This classroom can accommodate 40 people. Current seating accommodates 24. Please request if additional seating is required.


We maintain several classrooms to support our instructional programs. First priority use of these facilities is for instructional purposes but, unless otherwise indicated, the computers in these classrooms also are available to library patrons whenever classes or meetings are not in session.