Accessibility at Stauffer Library

The Adaptive Technology Centre and its services have temporarily moved. Please see our service change announcement for more information.

Access to Stauffer Library

The Union Street, University Avenue (north corner), and Alfred Street entrances into Stauffer Library are wheelchair accessible. These entrances are equipped with ramps and automatic door openers. See the map of the ground floor of Stauffer Library.


There are three metered accessible parking spaces available on Alfred Street at Union Street. For more information, please go to the Queen's Accessibility Hub.

Public Service Desk(s)

The Information Services Desk is accessible.


All of the workstations in the Adaptive Technology Centre are height-adjustable. Additional height-adjustable workstations are located on each floor of the library.

There are a three bookable research stations, located on the main floor Stauffer Library, that have adaptive software:

  • PC 18 (Seat G60): Inspiration, JAWS, Kurzweil 3000
  • PC 32 (Seat G70): Inspiration, Kurzweil 3000, ZoomText
  • PC 39 (Seat G82): Inspiration, Kurzweil 3000, ZoomText

To book these computers please see our Stauffer Library bookable computers page.


Elevators in the library are wheelchair accessible. Elevators provide access to all floors in the library. Controls inside the elevators are Brailled. A computerized voice indicates which direction the elevator is going and when it is stopping on a floor.


All washrooms in the building are accessible.

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