
The Adaptive Technology Centre and its services have temporarily moved. Please see our service change announcement for more information.

Queen’s University Library offers services, assistive technology and accessible spaces for students, faculty, and staff.  Queen's University Library is committed to an inclusive library community with accessible goods, services and facilities.

The Adaptive Technology Centre (ATC)

The Adaptive Technology Centre (ATC), located in Stauffer Library room 120, provides a wide range of services, assistive technologies, and a quiet study environment for students with accessibility needs. Use of the Adaptive Technology Centre study space is for students registered with Queen's Student Accessibility Services (QSAS) or with the Adaptive Technology Centre. 

Evening and weekend access to the ATC is available through the use of a keycard. To request and obtain a keycard, please email or visit staff in the ATC between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. weekdays.  

ATC staff are available to assist with all of your accessibility needs. Ask us in person or online by emailing us at

Adaptive Technology Lab, Stauffer Library

The Adaptive Technology Lab, located within the Adaptive Technology Centre, is a quiet study space that provides specialized software, assistive devices, height adjustable tables, PC Windows computer workstations, study carrels, laptop workspaces, a relaxation area, and two study rooms for students registered with Queen's Student Accessibility Services (QSAS) or with the Adaptive Technology Centre. Interpreters, interveners, attendants and persons who provide support may accompany students into the Lab.

The Adaptive Technology Lab provides workstations with specialized hardware and software, including:

  • Voice recognition software: Dragon NaturallySpeaking
  • Screen magnification software: ZoomText Magnifier/Reader
  • Screen reading software: JAWS
  • Text to speech software: Kurzweil 3000
  • Reading/writing software: Read&Write
  • Digital math software: Equatio
  • Mind mapping: Inspiration
  • OPTELEC Clearview CCTV
  • Large screen monitors
  • Height adjustable computer tables
  • Scanners

All computers are networked to the ATC public colour printer. Students can print or copy from any of the ATC Lab workstations using a current Queen’s student card using our PrintQ system from your own device or by using our Computers.

ATC Study Rooms

Students can access the study rooms in the ATC by using the library’s Bookable Seats system. The study rooms are for individual use. Interpreters, interveners, attendants and persons who provide support may accompany students into the study rooms. The computers in the study rooms have DragonNaturally Speaking, Kurzweil 3000, ZoomText, Inspiration and Read & Write software.

Adaptive Technologist

The office of the Adaptive Technologist, room 120F, is adjacent to the Adaptive Technology Lab. The Technologist is available by appointment or on a drop-in basis to assess your AT needs; demonstrate and provide training on AT devices, software and applications; customize your computer; or advise on the purchase of AT products.

Alternate format 

As a student you may request course textbooks, readings and library materials in alternate format if you are registered with Queen’s Student Accessibility Services (QSAS) and your advisor has made a referral because of a documented print disability for alternate format as an accommodation.

Requesting and finding captioned videos

The library will arrange closed captioning for videos in our collection.The library is committed to ensuring its media resources are accessible to persons who require captioning. For more information, please go to Captioned Videos or email as at:

Other library services


There are a limited number of lockers located in the Adaptive Technology Centre. Students interested in using ATC locker space should speak to the Adaptive Technologist at the beginning of each semester.

Extended loans

There are several options for renewing books, both online and in person. Requests for extended loan periods for books or reserve items are made through the Coordinator.

Retrieving library materials

For those who require assistance, Library Accessibility Services staff or Information Services staff will retrieve library materials from the library shelves upon request. Students must supply a list of titles with call numbers. Depending on timing and staff availability, retrieval may be immediate, or take up to 24 hours.

Library locations & accessibility

Adaptive technology (AT) is available in many library locations. Please consult each location for information about accessible facilities:

Accessibility feedback 

The Library recognizes that feedback is critical to the process of identifying and removing barriers to participation as well as improving how we deliver our services and provide facilities to persons with disabilities. Please email us at with any feedback. Thank you for taking the time to let us know how we are doing. Your feedback helps us to better identify barriers to accessibility.

Accessibility statement

Queen's University Library is committed to an inclusive library community with accessible goods, services and facilities that respect the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities.

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