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CPS (formerly known as RxTx)

CPS (formerly known as RxTx) provides access to evidence-based, reliable Canadian drug and therapeutic information. Included are: access to best practices on common medical conditions, e-CPS, CPhA's Therapeutic Choices, Lexi -Comp's Lexi-Interact, information for patients, Health Canada Advisories, and more.

CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics

For more than a century, the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics has been a trusted source of reliable scientific data. It contains thousands of physical and chemical data tables which are reviewed and updated on an ongoing basis


An online digital library of feature film titles licensed for Canadian viewing.

CRSP Database @ CHASS

Publication coverage: NYSE - 1925-
AMEX - 1962-
NASAQ - 1972-

CSA Canadian Standards Association

The Canadian Standards Association is a not-for-profit standards development, membership-based association, in business, industry, government and consumers. Queen's Library's subscription to the CSA Standards includes current and previous standards in the following areas: construction and engineering; electrical; energy; environmental; health and safety; mechanical and industrial equipment; quality and business management systems. Examples of available standards include the Canadian Electrical Code and the design of concrete structures.

DBLP: Computer Science Bibliography

DBLP is a bibliographic database covering computer science literature.

Defining Gender, 1450-1910

Defining Gender is a collection of fully digitized rare primary source advice literature covering five centuries between 1450 through 1910.

Dictionary of Canadian Biography

Documents persons who died between the years 1000 and 1930 (covering volumes 1-XV of the ongoing print version) or whose last known date of activity falls within these years. From 1930 to 2000, there are limited biographical coverage.

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