Rare and Historical Map Collections

Rare and Historical Map collection

About this Collection


Rare Books & Special Collections Maps & Air Photos



Special Collections has a substantial collection of cartographic materials. Our rare and historical maps include Kingston, Canada, North America and the world. A main subject specialization is historical cartography--maps illustrating the growth of cartographical knowledge and of geographical discovery with particular reference to North America. The collection also houses 17th and 18th century maps that illustrate the discovery and exploration of Canada. A large number of these have come into our possession through generous donations.

Ruddell Collection of Early Maps

The Ruddell Collection of Early Maps includes historical maps of the world and North America, including detailed maps of what is now Canada, dating from 1565 to 1881. Among the mapmakers represented are d'Anville, Blaeu, Bowen, Brion de la Tour, Chatelain, Delisle, Hondius, Magini, Mercator, Ortelius, Ramusio, and Visscher. The collection was a generous donation of Queen's alumnus Albert H. Ruddell (B.Sc.(Eng.) '52) in 2003.

Please consult the checklist for an inventory of the holdings.  Albert Ruddell also gifted numerous atlases and books on cartography, which are listed in the library catalogue.

Most of the maps in the Ruddell Collection have been digitized and are viewable on the Queen's University Digital Collections site.

Fyfe Maps

These maps provide an excellent depiction of the development of Canada; from geographical discoveries in the 17th century to the technological growth of the 19th century. Also included in this material is an illustrated interpretive depiction of the far north and Arctic regions. The Fyfe checklist can be consulted for an inventory of the material.

Charles N. Bell Collection

The Charles N. Bell Collection of Maps includes cartographic representations primarily of North America and Canada, including New France. The collection was acquired from the estate of Charles Napier Bell of Winnipeg in 1935.  The maps in the collection date from the 16th century to the 19th century. Cartographers represented include Blaeu, Bowen, Coronelli, Delisle, Homann, Jaillot, Jansson, Le Rouge, Moll, Mortier, Sanson, Schagen, Senex, Tirion, and Vaugondy, among others.

Please consult the checklist.

Most of the maps in the Bell Collection have been digitized and are viewable on the Queen's University Digital Collections site.

Fire Insurance Plans

A collection of Canadian fire insurance plans. More comprehensive holdings are in Stauffer Library with the Maps & Geospatial Data collection. You can search these plans through the library catalogue.

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