Course Reserves

Course Reserves provides instructors and students with a single access point for all course reading materials and supports copyright compliance.

Student studying in a study carrel at the end of a book stack.

student studying at round table with big windows in the background.

About Course Reserves

The library reserve collection is composed of high-use course readings and materials selected by instructors for short-term use by students registered in courses at Queen's University. Course Reserves enables instructors and students to have one single access point for all reading materials and to support copyright compliance. 

Course Reserves Form

OnQ Course Reserves Support

Copyright Advisory Office


Course Reserves Support

See our support for faculty/instructors and students. 

OnQ Support

Faculty and instructors are invited to create course reading lists in the course reserve system to enable one single access point for all reading materials and to support copyright compliance. For more assistance with creating your Reading List, please complete and submit the Course Reserves Form.

Please send your syllabi, digitization requests and/or physical item move requests to Reserves by the following dates:

  • August 1st for Fall Term
  • December 1st for Winter Term
  • April 1st for Spring/Summer Term

Course Reserves integrates with Omni and OnQ. 

For more information:

Course Reserves guide  

Frequently Asked Questions

Course Reserves is a collaborative web app for creating and managing course readings and resource material. It helps instructors select resources from a variety of sources, involves library staff to manage access and availability, and provides students with direct access to the readings.

Students login to Course Reserves through their OnQ courses. You will find a link to Course Reserves in the "Content" section of your OnQ course. 

Login to OnQ

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