Book a Room
Please select your desired location to see a list of bookable rooms:
- Stauffer Library Rooms
- Music Room (Closed due to summer renovations)
There are 13 bookable practice rooms at the DAN School of Drama & Music. These can be booked with a NetID. - Graduate Rooms (Graduate students only)
- Music Room (Closed due to summer renovations)
- Douglas Library Rooms
- Bracken Health Sciences Library Rooms
- Education Library
- Lederman Law Library Rooms
- Watson Hall LINQ
Book a Computer
Designated Computers are available for reservation to members of the Queen's community with an active NetId. Please select the location to see a list of available computers.
- Please see our Use of Study Rooms & Bookable Computers page for more information
- Our Code of Conduct for Library Users applies while using these rooms
- Rooms are available first come, first serve when not reserved