Data & Statistics



We provide access to statistics and data covering a broad range of subject areas, geographical areas, and historical and contemporary sources. Search, explore, and access survey files, polling data, governmental and non-governmental files.


Expert advice is available when you need to identify, retrieve and use data and statistics whether they are freely available on the web or licensed. We will meet with individuals, groups, and classes to help you identify and acquire the data and statistics you need. Please contact Alexandra Cooper.

  • Course integrated teaching
  • Specialized workshops
  • Research consultations with groups and individuals
  • Data planning, including archiving

Specialist(s): Alexandra Cooper 

Search Tools


Data repository for social science and polling data, including public use microdata files and aggregate data from Statistics Canada 


Statistics Canada

Data, analysis, and reference materials.  

Canadian Opinion Research Archive (CORA)

Archive for commercial and independent polling data back to 1970s. CORA data is available through Odesi.  

Census of Canada

Statistics Canada Census of Population resources.

Canadian Census Analyzer (CHASS) 

Census profile data at different levels of geography dating back to 1961.

Government of Canada Publications

Scanned prints of Government of Canada publications.  


Data archive with thousands of US and International surveys and polls.

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