On this page:
Queen’s University Library allows the outdoor spaces in front Stauffer Library and Douglas Library to be used for events by AMS sanctioned clubs and groups and university departments.
What is provided
- The library has two external spaces available for bookings, as weather permits.
- The library provides groups with portable tables and a few chairs upon request.
- Only one booking per day can be accommodated. Bookings must be between the hours of 8am – 3:30pm, Monday to Friday, excluding statutory holidays or days that the university is otherwise closed.
How to book a space
- Groups or departments who wish to reserve a space should email Natasha Watt natasha.watt@queensu.ca, Administrative Assistant to begin the application process.
- The interested party will be provided with a link to the online application form.
Process after completion and follow up
- The application will be reviewed by the Administrative Assistant for completeness and accuracy.
- The approval process involves the OVPUL working with Risk Management and the AMS to ensure that all safety measures have been addressed.
- The applicant may be contacted by either Risk Management or the OVPUL for additional information.
- Once all consultation is complete and approved, the applicant will be provided with final details for the booking by the Administrative Assistant and Risk Management.
- The Administrative Assistant will add the confirmed booking to the Outdoor Bookings Outlook calendar and notify the necessary Library staff with the details of the bookings (i.e. Library Facilities team).
1 to 3 weeks for consultation and approval.