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Alexandra Cooper

Job title
Data Services Coordinator
Joseph S. Stauffer Library


Working Unit
Digital Initiatives & Open Scholarships (DIOS)

Alexandra Cooper’s Bio

BA in Religion and Culture and Canadian History - Wilfrid Laurier University

Cooper, A., Costanzo, L. (2024). Developing Institutional Research Data Management Strategies in Canada: Setting the Foundation for Stronger Partnerships and Collaborations. IASSIST Quarterly June 2024.

Cooper, A., Vivek, J. (2023, September). Spotlight: Odesi MarkIt! Program: A Collaborative Curation Model for Data. Scholars Portal Newsletter.

Cheung, M., A Cooper, D. Dearborn, E. Hill, E. Johnson, M. Mitchell, and K. Thompson. "Practices Before Policy: Research Data Management Behaviours in Canada". Partnership: The Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research, vol. 17, no. 1, July 2022, pp. 1-80,

Manuel, K., Orlandini, R., & Cooper, A. (2022). Who is counted? Ethno-racial and indigenous identities in the Census of Canada, 1871-2021. IASSIST Quarterly, 46(4).

Cooper, Alexandra, Hill, Elizabeth, and Thompson, Kristi. (2022). "Understanding the Enumerated World: Making Sense of Data as an Information Source". In Getz, K and Brodsky, M, (Eds.), The Data Literacy Cookbook. Association of College and Research Libraries.

Cooper, A., Steeleworthy, M., Paquette-Bigras, È., Clary, E., MacPherson, E., Gillis, L. & Brodeur, J., (2021) “Creating Guidance for Canadian Dataverse Curators: Portage Network’s Dataverse Curation Guide”, Journal of eScience Librarianship 10(3): 2. doi:

Cooper, A., Hill, E., Keys, S., Steeleworthy, M., & Thompson, K. (2021). Data in the Time of COVID-19: How Data Library Professionals Helped Combat the Pandemic. Partnership: The Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research, 16(1), 1–6.

Cooper, A., Steeleworthy, M., Paquette-Bigras, È., Clary, E., MacPherson, E., Gillis, L., Wilson, L., & Brodeur, J. (2021). Dataverse Curation Guide (Version 01). Zenodo.

Bascik, Teresa, Boisvert, Philippe, Cooper, Alexandra, Gagnon, Martine, Goodwin, Mark, Huck, John, Leahey, Amber, Stathis, Kelly, & Steeleworthy, Michael. (2021). Dataverse North Metadata Best Practices Guide v 3.0 (Version 3). Zenodo.

Maranda, S., Halliday, S., Murray, H. E., & Cooper, A. (2019). Comparison of peer-tutor and librarian feedback for the literature search component of a medical school research course. Journal of the Canadian Health Libraries Association Journal De l’Association Des bibliothèques De La Santé Du Canada, 40(1).

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