Amy Kaufman

Amy Kaufman

Preferred Pronoun
Job title
Head Law Librarian
William R. Lederman Law Library


Working Unit

Amy Kaufman’s Bio

As Head Law Librarian, Amy coordinates and develops instruction, collection development, and research support for Law.  A member of the library leadership team, she co-manages the Web Presence for Collections Project Group and serves on the Inclusive Collections and Modifying Acquisitions Practices Project Groups. Within the profession, she co-chairs the Canadian Academic Law Library Directors group and serves on the Canadian Association of Law Libraries' Committee to Promote Research and Vendor Liaison committees. Her current research is at the intersection of Law and the History of the Book.

  • M.Res. (History of the Book) - University of London
  • M.I.St. - University of Toronto
  • LL.B. - Queen's University
  • B.A. (English and History) - Queen's University

  • Canadian Association of Law Libraries
  • Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History

  • 2021 - "Everday Justice in Pre-Confederation Canada: The Ledger of Thomas Burrows, JP for Kingston Mills" (2020) 58 Papers of the Bibliographic Society of Canada 121-144.
  • 2019 - "'Now That We are Voting Citizens': A Canadian Suffragist's 'Excellent Book' Turns 100" (2019) 31:2 Canadian Journal of Women and the Law 413-422.
  • 2019 - "Building a Monument in the Mind: Comparing Early Modern and Contemporary Legal Reading Through Sir John Dodderidge's The English Lawyer and Glanville Williams' Learning the Law" (2019) 44:3 Canadian Law library Review 8-15. [2020 Feature Article Award]
  • 2017 - with Eva Revitt & Alvin Schrader, 2016 Census of Canadian Academic Librarians: Cross Tables (16 June 2017) for the Canadian Association of Professional Academic Librarians
  • 2016 - with Eva Revitt & Alvin Schrader, 2016 Census of Canadian Academic Librarians: User Guide and Results Summary (16 December 2016) for the Canadian Association of Professional Academic Librarians
  • 2016 - "Restorative Justice: New Ways to Look at Old Ideas" (2016) 41:4 Canadian Law Library Review 12
  • 2016 - Interview with Aldo Arrango, "Law Librarianship in Peru" (2016) 41:1 Canadian Law Library Review 11
  • 2015 - with Leeann Beggs, Out of Practice: Exploring Legal Career Paths in Canada (Carswell, 2015)
  • 2015 - with Martha Bailey,"Should Civil Marriage Be Opened Up to Multiple Parties?" (2015) 64 Emory Law Journal 1747
  • 2013 - Op-Ed with Jeff Moon, "Farewell to Depository Services, a building block of democracy" Ottawa Citizen, 4 November 2013
  • 2011 - "A Different Question of Open Access: Is There a Public Access Right to Academic Libraries in the United States and Canada?" 103 Law Libr. J. 379, available from SSRN
  • 2010 - with Martha Bailey, Polygamy in the Monogamous World (Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger - ABC-CLIO, 2010)
  • 2007 - "The Pro Se Patron in Canada" (2007) 32 Canadian Law Library Review 220
  • 2005 - "Expanding Recognition of Foreign Polygamous Marriages: Policy Implications for Canada" (co-authored with Martha Bailey, Bev Baines, and Bita Amani) in Polygamy in Canada: Legal and Social Implications for Women and Children - A Collection of Policy Research Reports (Ottawa: Status of Women Canada, 2005), available from SSRN
  • 2005 - "Polygamous Marriages in Canada" (2005) 21 Canadian Journal of Family Law 315
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