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Cory Laverty

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Job title
Research and Teaching Librarian: Art, Drama, and Music
Joseph S. Stauffer Library


Working Unit
Humanities, Business, and Social Sciences

Cory Laverty’s Bio

Cory is a research librarian who supports scholarship on teaching and learning, qualitative methods, ethical review, and the design and assessment of inquiry-based learning. She serves on Queen's General Research Ethics Board, is equity representative on the Senate Cyclical Program Review Committee, and is Senior Editor for the Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education. Her current research addresses approaches to decolonizing librarian teaching practices.

Scholarship of teaching and learning; qualitative research methods; NVivo coding; faculty development programs; inclusive teaching; approaches to decolonizing information literacy; inquiry-based learning design and assessment; research skill development in post-secondary education

B.Music (Queen's); Postgraduate-diploma in Music (London, UK); MA Musicology (Western); MLS (Western); PhD (Wales, UK).


  • Peer-Reviewed Instructional Materials Online (PRIMO) Committee of the Instruction Section of ACRL designation awarded to Student2Scholar, a set of ten online learning modules for graduate students, co-created with Western, University of Toronto OISE Library, and Queen’s. 2017.
  • OCULA Award for Special Achievement, Ontario Library Association (2017)
  • Ontario College and University Library Association Lifetime Achievement Award (2013)
  • Ontario College and University Faculty Association Academic Librarianship Award (2013)
  • Liz Fox Distinguished Service Award, Queen’s University Librarians and Archivists Association. 2016

OCUL Quality Assurance Community
Ontario Council of University Libraries
Queen's University Librarians' and Archivists' Association
Society for Teaching & Learning in Higher Education
Senior Editor, Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education

Designing Experiments: Learning and Behaviour in Undergraduate Physics Laboratories Bei Cai, Lindsay Mainhood, Ryan Groome, Corinne Laverty, and Alastair McLean. Physical Review Physics Education Research (under review) and arXiv.

Kolomitro, K., Laverty, C., & Lee, E. A. (2020). Making learning visible: Research methods to uncover learning processes. In Critical Reflection on Research in Teaching and Learning (pp. 154-172). Brill Sense.

Dalgarno, N., Laverty, C., Egan, R., Garton, K., Soleas, E., Babando, J., & van Wylick, R. (2020). Participant perceptions of the faculty development Educational Research Series. Teaching & Learning Inquiry, 8(1), 221-245.

Kolomitro, K., Laverty, C., & Stockley, D. (2018). Sparking SoTL: Triggers and stories from one institution. Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 9(1), Article 10.

Laverty, C., & Saleh, N, (2018). Cultivating a librarians’ community of practice: A reflective case study. In The grounded instruction librarian: Participating in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Washington, DC: Association of College and Research Libraries.

Paulson, E., & Laverty, C. (2018). Leveraging learning outcomes to build an online information literacy tool. Journal of Library & Information Services in Distance Learning. DOI: 10.1080/1533290X.2017.1415242

Openo, J., Laverty, C., Kolomitro, K., Borin, P., Goff, L, Stranach, M., & Gomaa, N. (2017). Bridging the divide: Leveraging the scholarship of teaching and learning for quality enhancement. Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 8(2), Article 6.

Laverty, C., & Paulson, E. (2017). From student to scholar: Building capacity for graduate student academic literacies and research skills. Open Shelf, Ontario Library Association. April 3

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