Michael White’s Bio
- Patent Information
- Chemical information
- Scientific publishing
- Bibliometrics
- MLIS, University of Michigan (1994)
- BA, cum laude, Boston University (1989)
American Society for Engineering Education, 1995-present
- Past Chair, 2012-13, Engineering Libraries Division
- Chair, 2011-12, ELD
- Program Chair, 2010-2011, ELD
- Treasurer, 2009-2010, ELD
- Director, 2006-2008, ELD
Special Libraries Association, 2002-present
- Chemistry Division
- Engineering Division
- Physics, Astronomy and Math Division
Patent Information Users Group, 1998-present
Patent and Trademark Resource Center Association, 1995-present
Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), 2013-present
- Science-Technology Division
Gordon, I., Meindl, P., Sizgeti, K., and White, M. (2018). Information Seeking Behaviors, Attitudes, and Choices of Academic Chemists. Science & Technology Libraries, 37, 2, 130-151. https://doi.org/10.1080/0194262X.2018.1445063
White, M. (2017). The History of the Engineering Libraries Division, Part 2: 1960 to 2017. American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Columbus, Ohio.
White, M. (2016). The History of the Engineering Libraries Division, Part 1: 1893 to 1960. American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.
White, M. (2015). Patent "Sightings": A Comparative Analysis of Patent Citation Search Tools Using Case Studies from the Engineering Literature. American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Seattle, Washington.
White, M. (2014). (In)Visible Me? An Empirical Study of Engineering Librarian Online Profiles. American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana.
White, M. (2013). Chemical patents. In J. Currano & D. Roth (Eds.), Chemical information for chemists: A primer. Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry.
White, M. (2013). Using Citation Analysis to Explore the Information Needs of Graduate Students Affiliated with a Fuel Cell Research Center. American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.
White, M. (2012). Patent Classification Reform: Implications for Teaching, Learning and Using the Patent Literature. American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, San Antonio, Texas.
White, M. (2010). Patent searching: Back to the future. First Annual Conference of the Canadian Engineering Education Association, Kingston, Ontario.
White, M. (2009). Patents and patent searching. In M. J. Bates, & M. N. Maack (Eds.), Encyclopedia of library and information science. New York: CRC, Taylor and Francis.
White, M. (2008). US alien property custodian patent documents: A legacy prior art collection from world war II part 2. statistics. World Patent Information, 30(1), 34-42. doi:10.1016/j.wpi.2007.05.002
White, M. (2007). US alien property custodian patent documents: A legacy prior art collection from world war II part 1. history. World Patent Information, 29(4), 339-345. doi:10.1016/j.wpi.2007.05.003
White, M. (2006). esp@cenet: Europe's network of patent databases. Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, 47
White, M. (2005). Note Concerning U.S. Application Serial Numbers and Series Codes," Patent Information Users Group Newsletter, Fall, 19-21. http://hdl.handle.net/1974/263
White M. (2002). "World Intellectual Property Organization: a Web Site Review," Journal of Business and Finance Librarianship, 8(1), 71-78.
White, M. (2001). "Patents for Victory! Disseminating Enemy Technical Information During World War II," Science & Technology Libraries, 22 (1/2), 5-22.
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