Nathalie Soini
Nathalie Soini’s Bio
Information Services (Access/Circulation/Fulfillment Services)
Learning Commons
Modern Language resources in academic libraries.
French as a Second Language (FSL)resources for Education
B.A. (Hons) in German and Spanish (Brock University)
M.A. in Spanish (University of Toronto)
MLIS (University of Western Ontario)
American Library Association (ALA) 2006-present
- Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL)
- Western European Specialized Section (WESS)- 2008-2020
- French and Italian Editor for WESS wiki - 2012-2018
- ACRL_IS Instruction Section 2022-2023
- Western European Specialized Section (WESS)- 2008-2020
- Library Leadership and Management Association(LLAMA)- 2015-2021
- International Relations Round Table 2022-2023
Canadian Association of Professional and Academic Libraries (CAPAL) 2020-2022
Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers CASLT) /Association canadienne des professeurs de langues seconds (ACPLS) 2022-present
International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) 2023- present
- member of Libraries for Children and Youth (Professional Section) 2023-2027
Ontario Library Association (OLA) 2003 - present
- Ontario College and University Library Association (OCULA) - 2010 Past-President
- Ontario Library and Information Technology Association (OLITA)
- Association des bibliothèques francophones de l'Ontario (ABO-Franco)
- Ontario Library Association, Mentoring Committee, Superconference planner, 2013-2015
- Ontario Library Association, Mentoring Committee, Chair 2016
Ontario Teacher Education Library Association (OTELA) 2022- present
- member 2022
- Co-chair 2023-2025
Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials (SALALM) 2010-2020
- SALALM Scholarship Committee 2011-2013 (Chair, 2015-2016)
Canadian Library Association, Working Group to Define a National Network for Equitable Library Service: Opening the Book: A Strategy for a National Network for Equitable Library Service for Canadians with Print Disabilities (2005), Canadian Library Association, http://cla.ca/wp-content/uploads/NNELS_FINAL_EN.pdf
Soini, N. "President's letter" InsideOCULA, Spring 2009, no. 37, http://accessola2.com/data/2/rec_docs/501_InsideOCULASpring09.pdf
Ibid. "President's letter" InsideOCULA, Fall 2009, no. 38, http://accessola2.com/data/2/rec_docs/604_InsideOCULAFall09.pdf
Ibid. "President's letter" InsideOCULA, Winter 2009. no. 39, http://accessola2.com/data/2/rec_docs/647_InsideOCULAWinter09.pdfhttp://accessola2.com/data/2/rec_docs/647_InsideOCULAWinter09.pdf
Ibid. "Interview with a New Librarian: OCULA President Nathalie Soini Interviews the OCULA New Librarian Resident Award Winner Monica Rettig." InsideOCULA, Winter 2009, no. 39,http://accessola2.com/data/2/rec_docs/647_InsideOCULAWinter09.pdf
Mitchell, J. and N. Soini. "Student Involvement for Student Success: Student Staff in the Learning Commons." College and Research Libraries. Vol. 75, July 2014, 590-609; doi:10.5860/crl.75.4.590
Soini, N. "How Hip Is the Partnership? The Value of a Generalist Journal in a Niche World." InsideOCULA, October 1, 2016. http://open-shelf.ca/161001-ocula-partnership-journal/
Bergart, R., L. Olson, and N. Soini. “Editorial: Charting the Course of Partnership. ”Partnership: The Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research, Vol. 12, no. 1, Aug. 2017, doi:10.21083/partnership.v12i1.3976.
Soini, N. "Organizational Renewal at Queen's University Library." InsideOCULA, December 3, 2018. http://open-shelf.ca/181201-ocula-organizational-renewal-at-queens-university-library/
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