Sarah Wickett
Job title
Acting Associate University Librarian
Bracken Health Sciences Library
Sarah Wickett’s Bio
- Health Informatics
- Electronic Learning Resources
- Reference
- Instruction
- MLIS (Dalhousie University)
- B.Sc (University of Guelph)
- Canadian Health Libraries Association
- Medical Library Association
- Ho, A. M., Phelan, R., Mizubuti, G. B., Murdoch, J. A., Wickett, S., Ho, A. K., ... & Gilron, I. (2018). Bias in Before–After Studies: Narrative Overview for Anesthesiologists. Anesthesia & Analgesia, 126(5), 1755-1762.
- Scott, L, Griffith, G., Wickett, S., et. al. (2011). Scary, Exciting or Something In-Between: How do Next Generation Academic Librarians Perceive Institutional Change? Contributed paper (peer reviewed), Association of College and Research Libraries National Conference. http://www.ala.org/ala/mgrps/divs/acrl/events/national/2011/papers/scary...
- Allcock, A., Maranda, S., Pinchin, S., Scott, L., Van Melle, E. & Wickett, S. (2008). Meeting the Challenges of Change Through Collaboration: The e-teaching collaborative (etc).Poster presentation: Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada Annual Conference, Montreal, QC.
- Phelan, D. & Wickett, S. (2008). Learning Styles: Are You Smarter Than a Millennial? The challenges of generations working and learning together. Full Day continuing education course: Canadian Health Libraries Association Conference, Halifax, NS.
- Wickett, S. (2008). Collaborating with the Teaching Doctor: An Evolving Informatics Approach. Contributed paper: Canadian Health Libraries Association Conference, Halifax, NS.
- P. Durando, Halliday, S., Maranda, S., McKeown, S., Ross-White, A., Scott, L., Smithers, A., Thomas, M. & Wickett, S. (2008). The Librarian is in: a consultation model for information literacy formative assessment. Poster Presentation: Celebration of Teaching: Inspiring Change, Queen's University, Kingston, ON.
- Durando, P., Griffith, G., Halliday, S., Maranda, S., Ross-White, A., Smithers, A., Thomas, M. & Wickett, S. (2007). Faculty Partnerships: Teaching, Technology and Triumphs. Poster presentation: Canadian Health Libraries Association Annual Conference, Ottawa, ON.
- Durando, P., Griffith, G., Halliday, S., Maranda, S., Ross-White, A., Smithers, A., Thomas, M., Waytuck, B., & Wickett, S. (2006). Extreme library makeover: CHEER at Bracken Health Sciences Library, Queen's University. Poster presentation: Canadian Health Libraries Association Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC.
- Fleming, M., Stockley, D., Wauters, L., & Wickett, S. (2006). An overview of CLOE@Queen's. Poster presentation: Cross Faculty Teaching Forum, Queen's University, Kingston, ON.
- Wickett, S. (2005). Review of: Shreeve, E. The New Dynamics and Economics of Cooperative Collection Development: papers presented at a conference hosted by the Center for Research Libraries; cosponsored by the Association of Research Libraries with the support of The Gladys Kreible Delmas Foundation, November 8-10, 2002, Atlanta, Georgia. International Federation of Library Associations & Institutions Section on Education & Training Bulletin, 6(1). Available at http://www.ifla.org/VII/s23/bulletin/SET_Bulletin-Jan2005.pdf
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