

We maintain several classrooms to support our instructional programs. First priority use of these facilities is for instructional purposes but, unless otherwise indicated, the computers in these classrooms also are available to library patrons whenever classes or meetings are not in session.

Room Policies

  • Software cannot be installed on the instructor’s station. If you have specific software needs, please inquire at the time of booking.
  • Priority is reserved for the Library and Student Academic Success Services (in Stauffer and Douglas). 
  • From time to time, these teaching spaces may be reserved by Queen's faculty for university instruction purposes.
  • There is no charge for Queen's Faculty or Staff special teaching sessions if they begin and end when the library is open.

Queen's faculty, staff or student groups who wish to book spaces for purposes which do not fit within the guidelines are advised to contact the University's Room Reservations Office (ext. 32025) to locate alternate space.

Bracken Health Sciences Library

This classroom (Room 128) is located on the main floor of the library.


  • Instructor’s station/podium
  • Wall mounted display screen
  • Sound capability
  • Instructor lapel microphone (available upon request)
  • Wireless mouse (available upon request)
  • AirMedia wireless presentation
  • HDMI laptop connection (HDMI, USB-C, and mini display port)
  • Web access


There are 24 workstations (without computers)


Email in order to book. Please provide the following information:

  • Name
  • Contact information
  • Purpose
  • Room required
  • Date and time required 
  • Requests must be one week in advance of requested booking date

Or contact Information Services at Bracken by telephone (613-533-2510) or in person, during library opening hours.

Douglas Library

This classroom is located on the ground floor of the library opposite the Information Services desk. 


  • Instructor’s station/podium (desktop computer) 
  • Wall mounted display screen 
  • Sound capability 
  • Instructor lapel microphone (available upon request) 
  • AirMedia wireless presentation 
  • HDMI laptop connection (HDMI, USB-C, and mini display port) 
  • Web access 


There are 26 computer workstations with touch monitors with a total room capacity capacity of 36.

Room logistics 

  • The computers in this room require students to log in with their NetID 
  • Food and beverages are not allowed in this classroom 


  • Email in order to book. Please provide the following information: 
  • Name 
  • Contact information 
  • Purpose 
  • Room required 
  • Date and time required 

Requests must be one week in advance of requested booking date Or contact References Services at Douglas by telephone (613-533-6000 x: 75121)

Education Library

The Education Library’s Multimedia Room is located on the ground floor of the library beside Information Services desk.


  • Instructor’s station/podium
  • Wall mounted display screen
  • Sound capability
  • Instructor lapel microphone (available upon request)
  • Wireless mouse (available upon request)
  • AirMedia wireless presentation
  • HDMI laptop connection (HDMI, USB-C, and mini display port)
  • Web access


There are 18 computer workstations.

Room Logistics

  • The computers in this room require students to log in with their NetID
  • Food and beverages are not allowed in this classroom


Email in order to book.  Please provide the following information:

  • Name
  • Contact information
  • Purpose
  • Room required
  • Date and time required 
  • Requests must be one week in advance of requested booking date

Or contact Information Services at the Education library by telephone (613-533-2191) or in person, during opening hours.

Stauffer Library

The Staff / Student Learning Centre (Room 014) is located on the lower level of the library to the left of the circular staircase when descending the stairs.


  • Instructor’s station/podium
  • Wall mounted display screens
  • Sound capability
  • Instructor lapel microphone (available upon request)
  • AirMedia wireless presentation
  • Web access


There are 60 workstations (without computers) with a total room capacity capacity of 130.


Email in order to book.  Please provide the following information:

  • Name
  • Contact information
  • Purpose
  • Room required
  • Date and time required
  • Requests must be one week in advance of requested booking date
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