Chat With Us

The library's collaborative chat service, Ask a Librarian, connects students, faculty, staff, and researchers from participating university libraries across Ontario with real-time library and research assistance. This service is staffed by reference assistants, librarians, and Masters of Library and Information Science students and is administered by Scholars Portal, the digital service arm of the Ontario Council of University Libraries (OCUL). 

The library's collaborative chat service, Ask a Librarian, connects students, faculty, staff, and researchers from participating university libraries across Ontario with real-time library and research assistance. This service is staffed by reference assistants, librarians, and Masters of Library and Information Science students and is administered by Scholars Portal, the digital service arm of the Ontario Council of University Libraries (OCUL). 

Ask a Librarian Privacy Policy

OCUL (Ontario Council of University Libraries), Queen's University Library, and all Ask a Librarian staff respect your privacy. User data can only be accessed by Scholars Portal staff and by designated administrators from participating libraries. Information provided while using the service is collected primarily for statistical reporting to the OCUL board of directors, funding agencies, and your local institution. Data collected through the service may also be used for research purposes, but privacy and anonymity of users will be ensured. Personal information that you provide in order to use Scholars Portal services will be protected in accordance with FIPPA, the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. We will not disclose any personal data we collect from you to any party in a manner that would identify you, except to fulfill your service request or where required by law. 

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Ask a Librarian Privacy Policy

OCUL (Ontario Council of University Libraries), Queen's University Library, and all Ask a Librarian staff respect your privacy. User data can only be accessed by Scholars Portal staff and by designated administrators from participating libraries. Information provided while using the service is collected primarily for statistical reporting to the OCUL board of directors, funding agencies, and your local institution. Data collected through the service may also be used for research purposes, but privacy and anonymity of users will be ensured. Personal information that you provide in order to use Scholars Portal services will be protected in accordance with FIPPA, the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. We will not disclose any personal data we collect from you to any party in a manner that would identify you, except to fulfill your service request or where required by law. 

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