Information about off-campus access to our resources.
If you run into any issue connecting from off-campus, please let us know via our Ask Us service or view our Frequently Asked Questions.
You can access resources from off-campus locations using the Queen’s web proxy service (EZProxy). This covers most online journals, ebooks, and databases, as well as Google Scholar and Exambank.
It is possible to access resources in Omni from off-campus locations. Simply enter your log-in credentials when prompted to view the resource on the publisher’s platform. If the URL in your browser displays “”, you are connected to Queen’s web proxy for off-campus access.
You can also manually add EZProxy details to an existing permalink. Add the following proxy structure to the URL you want to access:
- Authentication URL:
- Library Proxy URL:[URL TO VISIT]
Please note that a proxy session will timeout after 2 hours of inactivity.
Using the Queen's web proxy allows you to access library resources from off campus. To create proxied permalinks, use the URL structure below:
You can also use the Queen's web proxy form to connect directly from off campus.
Note: Please let us know if you encounter an error that reads "Missing Host—This URL is not configured for Off-Campus Access" when trying to access a resource through the proxy.
Off-campus link creator
Enter a URL for a Queen's-only article or library resource:
- URL:
- URL with off-campus proxy information:
Saving a permanent link allows you to retrieve articles more easily. Links copied directly from the browser’s address bar are unreliable and often expire.
A permanent link, or Digital Object Identifier (DOI), is often provided by the publisher on an article’s webpage.
To locate a permanent link, look for words such as “permalink”, “document URL”, “durable link”, “DOI”, or “persistent URL”.
A DOI is made of 3 parts: the DOI resolver, the prefix, and the suffix. To create a DOI permalink, use the following URL structure:
For example:
In this example:
- DOI resolver:
- DOI prefix: 10.1021
- DOI suffix: /ac0354342
You can also search for a DOI using a free Crossref DOI lookup.
A valid NetID is required for proxy authentication. Off-campus access to the library’s resources is provided for:
- Current students (full time and part time)
- Faculty members (including Emeritus professors or retired professors with an active NetID or library card)
- Current employees (including permanents, temporary, contract, and visiting)
- Users who are sponsored by a department (via the department’s IT Administrative Representative)
- Alumni (to select resources)
Unfortunately, we are not able to provide off-campus access for:
- Former staff
- Students who are not currently enrolled and paying tuition fees
- Adjunct professors or lecturers who do not have a current or future teaching contract
- Community members
Omni supports all major browsers and Operating Systems. There is an ongoing process of monitoring new versions and checking their compatibility.