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U.S. Federal Legislative History Library

Index to published U.S. federal legislative histories as well as full-text access to a collection of legislative histories for key U.S. national legislation.

U.S. Patent Public Search

Publication coverage: 1790 - present (updated weekly)

The USPTO's Patent Public Search system contains more than 11 million US patents issued from 1790 to the present and 7 million US published applications from 2001 forward. Full-text patents are searchable from 1976 forward. PDF documents and OCR text are available prior to 1976. Patent documents are classified under the Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) and International Patent Classification (IPC) systems. New patents are issued weekly on Tuesdays; new applications are published on Thursdays.

U.S. Statutes at Large Library

Publication coverage: 1789- [check online for most recent volume available]

Full-text access to the U.S. Statutes at Large which are the official source for the laws and resolutions passed by the U.S. Congress.

Underground and Independent Comics, Comix, and Graphic Novels

Publication coverage: 1960's-

Underground and Independent Comics, Comix, and Graphic Novels is the first ever scholarly, primary-source database focused on adult comic books and graphic novels. Here are the works of artists both celebrated and overlooked, alongside interviews, criticism, and journal articles that document the continual growth and evolution of this artform.

United Nations Official Document System (ODS)

Online full-text access to born-digital UN documents (not sales publications) from 1993 to present. Some digitized documents from 1946-1993 are also included.

Universalis Junior

Universalis Junior offers more than 5,400 multidisciplinary articles and over 9,000 items online learning objects. This resource is the most important French-language general encyclopedia and is idea for teachers and students alike.

Universalis Senior

Encyclopaedia Universalis (or Universalis Senior) offers more than 30,000 articles and 17,000 online learning objects. This resource is the most important French-language general encyclopedia

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