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17th-18th Century Burney Collection Newspapers

This database is a full-text/full-image searchable digital archive of about 1,270 newspapers and news pamphlets from the United Kingdom.

19th Century Masterfile

Publication coverage: Pre-1925

Combines various general, scientific, religious, psychological, and legal indexes covering the nineteenth century.

19th Century UK Periodicals

Publication coverage: 1800-1900

This database includes periodicals published in Great Britain between 1800 and 1900, giving insight into many aspects of the 19th century life--literature and culture, empire, feminism, the history of the book, the creative and performing arts, sport and leisure, science and medicine, the professions.

4Canoes Digital Bookshelf

4 Canoes (formerly Canoe Kids) is a unique, ongoing, 24-edition series created to bring Indigenous Peoples into our classrooms and homes. Each issue highlights a different Nation and is produced with integrity and respect.

<odesi> - data service of Scholars Portal

A digital repository for social science data, including Statistics Canada public use microdata files, public opinion polls, and Canadian Opinion Research Archive (CORA) data.

AATA online: Abstracts of International Conservation Literature

Comprehensive coverage of literature related to the preservation and conservation of cultural heritage.

ABELL: Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature

Publication coverage: 1920 - present

Part of the Literature Online database, ABELL indexes monographs, periodical articles, critical editions of literary works, doctoral dissertations, book reviews and collections of essays concerning English language, literature, bibliography and traditional culture published worldwide from 1920 onwards.

Academic OneFile

Publication coverage: 1980 - present (updated daily)

Multidisciplinary index to scholarly peer-reviewed academic journals, as well as newspaper and audio material, including podcasts and news transcripts.

Academic Search Complete

Publication coverage: 1865 - present

Academic Search Complete is a multi-disciplinary database which provides indexing (with abstracts) to peer-reviewed journals, conference proceedings, monographs and reports.


AccessAPN, from McGraw-Hill, is a comprehensive online resource dedicated to the education of advanced practice nursing students. Resources include 30+ authoritative titles, cases, Q&A, and curricula relevant to Nursing Practitioners, Clinical Nurse Specialists, Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists, Certified Nurse Midwives, and Doctors of Nursing Practice.

Database Search

Database Search provides multiple ways to search for research databases, with options to browse and filter your results.

Databases are online collections of journals, magazines and newspapers, articles, e-Books, video, music, images, or other digital content. The Library provides access to hundreds of research databases in many subject and discipline areas.

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You can also refer to our Research by Subject page to find specialized databases and guides for your discipline and subject librarians who can help you with search strategies.

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